Thursday, October 6, 2011

Celebrate National Book Month!

October is National Book Month! This is the perfect time to honor books and what could be better than reading together as a family. A loving routine at the end of the day that allows parents and kids to make bedtime a special time, to share favorite stories and books, to talk, and be together is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time with your children.

Parents, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Start small.
Remember, big journeys start with one step.

Take turns reading.
One night you read, the next your child reads. Or switch reading every couple of paragraphs or pages.

Read with expression.
Let the stories come to life. Encourage kids to read with lively expression. Let them see the excitement books contain.

Choose compelling books.
Let your child select some books and perhaps choose some yourself. Recommend some of your favorites from when you were a child.

When you’re done with a book, write its title and author on a link in a construction paper chain and festoon the walls with your accomplishments. Draw pictures of your favorite characters.

Make an audio book.
Tape yourselves reading. Send the recording to Grandma, who will swoon. Recording can also be your “substitute” if you have to be away for a night – although nothing is as good as your presence.

Get ideas from other parents.
What are they reading in their homes? What books and stories are other kids interested in? What recommendations can you give to and get from other parents?

Get ideas from teachers.
What types of books are popular at school? What books would supplement what teachers are teaching in social studies, art, or science classes? What do the reading teacher and librarian suggest?

The nice thing about routines is that once they’re started they become a part of your life, comforting and safe.

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