Wednesday, August 31, 2011
How To Excel at the SAT and ACT® Tests
More than three million college admissions tests are administered each year, making the SAT and the ACT® two of the most important exams that a high school student will ever take. With the fall tests coming up, the college admissions process can really be a time of anxiousness, with the high stakes of college entrance exams being a major contributor.
Here are a few test tips that are aimed to help ease nerves and help students do well at the tests.
• Start studying early: Help your child set up a study schedule months in advance to allow leisurely preparation and eliminate the need for cramming.
• Encourage effort: College entrance exams will have a big influence on your child’s college admissions. Be honest that it is an important test and that your child needs to take it seriously, try his/her best, relax, and remain calm.
• Take practice tests: Taking multiple practice tests will make your test-takers feel more comfortable with the testing experience and remove much of the mystery involved with college entrance exams.
• Get a good night’s sleep: Studies have found that stress is elevated by fatigue. Be sure that your child has plenty of uninterrupted sleep a few days prior to the test date.
• Eat a healthy breakfast: The SAT and ACT® are generally offered in the morning, so having a healthy breakfast will keep your child energized for a long day, allowing him/her to stay focused and alert.
• Come early and prepared: Make sure your child is at the test site early, and has all of his/her testing supplies. Being late or missing materials will cause unnecessary stress your child does NOT need.
• Stay calm: This can be a very nerve-racking time for students. Remind them that testing is only one piece of the admissions puzzle and reassure them of your confidence and pride in all they have accomplished!
Friday, August 19, 2011
School Involvement... All Year Long
When 16-year-old Drew is at school, his mom may be just a couple of classrooms away. “At first it’s kind of weird, and my friends will be like ‘Oh yesterday I saw your mom at school.’ And I’m like, ‘Oh, OK.’ But eventually I get used to it,” he says.
She volunteers at the school, which makes it easy to check in with her children’s teachers. “When one of my children has a problem in one of his classes, they’ll say we got his test grade and it’s this,” says Stacy, Drew’s mom. But many parents never get that kind of quick feedback. According to a survey by the Michigan Education Association, a quarter of parents said they almost never talk to teachers.
The same number said they never attend parent-teacher conferences. “Sadly, I think those numbers are probably very accurate,” says academic advisor Cathie Banks.
Banks says that can send kids a subtle, but damaging message: My parents don’t care about my education, so why should I? The result is that “they’re less involved in activities. ... They have lower self-esteem; they have lower classroom attendance,” she says.
In fact, earlier studies by the U.S. Department of Education found that when parents are involved – by monitoring homework, talking to teachers or
volunteering at the school – children’s grades were dramatically higher and
discipline problems dramatically lower. “She’s always around at school a lot. So if I was to do something bad, she would know about it pretty quickly,” says Drew.
Experts say meeting your child’s teachers and spending time at their school is invaluable. “Find a link, whether it’s a teacher you can talk to (or) a guidance counselor that you can go (to),” says Banks. “I would encourage any parent who wants to become involved to do so, no matter what the cost.”
What Parents Need To Know
A study funded by education groups in Michigan found a pronounced rift between parents and teachers. Although parents and teachers should be partners in education, they are often adversaries. Parents can ensure a child is on time to school and then welcome them home at night, but
they often leave the hours in between solely to professional educators.
Consider the following:
• Only one-in-nine working parents is active in a child’s school.
• Overall, one-in-four parents participate in a child’s school.
• Nearly a quarter of parents never ensure teachers know essential information about their child.
• Teachers are more forthcoming about academic problems than they are with behavior problems.
• Parents who communicate with the schools have a higher level of success and satisfaction, as well as a greater sense of belonging to the school community.
• Nine states have passed legislation offering unpaid family leave for school activities, with varying requirements for eligibility.
Working moms and dads might be desperate for a connection but need
flexible volunteer opportunities and events timed around the workday. Conversely, stay-at-home parents want to preserve family evenings and consider daytime school involvement one benefit of staying home.
Parent involvement increases positive results. Show your child with actions, not just words, that you really care about education. Involvement extends beyond simply getting your child to school on time. If parents don’t care enough to drop by the school and talk to a teacher, to make sure homework gets done and books get read, the child likely won’t care either.
Parents of low-achievers, the students who could most benefit from parent
involvement, are the least likely to visit schools.
Eventually, a parent might need to deal with the school on his or her child’s behalf. A parent is in a much better position if that’s not the first time the school has seen him or her. Children of parents who are engaged with the school receive a better education. However, most schools and educators do little to welcome reluctant parents.
To combat this dilemma, parents can:
• Make regular visits to their child’s classroom.
• Share pertinent, helpful information about their child with his or her teachers.
• Ask teachers specific questions regarding their child’s performance and behavior.
• Encourage teachers to be honest with them.
• Be careful not to behave as their child’s defense attorneys. They
shouldn’t automatically side with their child and go after an educator.
• Act as allies of the educator because a teacher who knows he or she has the backing of the parents is more likely to go out on a limb for that child.
She volunteers at the school, which makes it easy to check in with her children’s teachers. “When one of my children has a problem in one of his classes, they’ll say we got his test grade and it’s this,” says Stacy, Drew’s mom. But many parents never get that kind of quick feedback. According to a survey by the Michigan Education Association, a quarter of parents said they almost never talk to teachers.
The same number said they never attend parent-teacher conferences. “Sadly, I think those numbers are probably very accurate,” says academic advisor Cathie Banks.
Banks says that can send kids a subtle, but damaging message: My parents don’t care about my education, so why should I? The result is that “they’re less involved in activities. ... They have lower self-esteem; they have lower classroom attendance,” she says.
In fact, earlier studies by the U.S. Department of Education found that when parents are involved – by monitoring homework, talking to teachers or
volunteering at the school – children’s grades were dramatically higher and
discipline problems dramatically lower. “She’s always around at school a lot. So if I was to do something bad, she would know about it pretty quickly,” says Drew.
Experts say meeting your child’s teachers and spending time at their school is invaluable. “Find a link, whether it’s a teacher you can talk to (or) a guidance counselor that you can go (to),” says Banks. “I would encourage any parent who wants to become involved to do so, no matter what the cost.”
What Parents Need To Know
A study funded by education groups in Michigan found a pronounced rift between parents and teachers. Although parents and teachers should be partners in education, they are often adversaries. Parents can ensure a child is on time to school and then welcome them home at night, but
they often leave the hours in between solely to professional educators.
Consider the following:
• Only one-in-nine working parents is active in a child’s school.
• Overall, one-in-four parents participate in a child’s school.
• Nearly a quarter of parents never ensure teachers know essential information about their child.
• Teachers are more forthcoming about academic problems than they are with behavior problems.
• Parents who communicate with the schools have a higher level of success and satisfaction, as well as a greater sense of belonging to the school community.
• Nine states have passed legislation offering unpaid family leave for school activities, with varying requirements for eligibility.
Working moms and dads might be desperate for a connection but need
flexible volunteer opportunities and events timed around the workday. Conversely, stay-at-home parents want to preserve family evenings and consider daytime school involvement one benefit of staying home.
Parent involvement increases positive results. Show your child with actions, not just words, that you really care about education. Involvement extends beyond simply getting your child to school on time. If parents don’t care enough to drop by the school and talk to a teacher, to make sure homework gets done and books get read, the child likely won’t care either.
Parents of low-achievers, the students who could most benefit from parent
involvement, are the least likely to visit schools.
Eventually, a parent might need to deal with the school on his or her child’s behalf. A parent is in a much better position if that’s not the first time the school has seen him or her. Children of parents who are engaged with the school receive a better education. However, most schools and educators do little to welcome reluctant parents.
To combat this dilemma, parents can:
• Make regular visits to their child’s classroom.
• Share pertinent, helpful information about their child with his or her teachers.
• Ask teachers specific questions regarding their child’s performance and behavior.
• Encourage teachers to be honest with them.
• Be careful not to behave as their child’s defense attorneys. They
shouldn’t automatically side with their child and go after an educator.
• Act as allies of the educator because a teacher who knows he or she has the backing of the parents is more likely to go out on a limb for that child.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Getting in Gear: A Back To School Survival Guide
Despite the warm temperatures and sunny skies, many students are feeling a shadow looming as back to school season creeps closer. After weeks of lazy, summer days, late nights, varying routines and minimal mental stimulation, the return to school can seem overwhelming to students of all ages.
To help parents and children get ready for the new school year, Sylvan Learning located in (Insert city), offers several tips to ease the transition from the beach to the classroom and jumpstart sluggish summer brains.
For many students, the first day of school doesn’t only bring new teachers and new friends - it can also be a source of anxiety with homework assignments and tests just around the corner. Starting the school year off on the right foot can help minimize students’ stress levels throughout the year.
Get Cleaning. A dirty, cluttered room is not conducive to studying. Get organized before homework starts piling up.
• Remove seldom-worn clothing.
• Pack away belongings not used on a regular basis.
• For smaller children, label areas so they can easily see where belongings should go.
Carve Out A Homework Spot. Whether it is in your bedroom, the basement, or a family office, find an area where you can work distraction-free and claim it as your official workspace.
• Pick a place that is always available and where you feel comfortable doing schoolwork.
• Stock the area with all of the supplies and tools that are needed to complete homework.
Get Organized. Organization is key to ensure you stay on top of the requirements for each subject.
• Use separate, labeled notebooks for each class.
• Create files for each subject. The folders can hold assignments, essays, handouts and notes taken during classes.
• Purchase a planner or calendar to keep track of important dates and deadlines.
Set Educational Goals. Whether it is striving for an A in a certain subject, handing in all homework on time or preparing for tests well in advance, setting goals can help establish a routine for the new year.
• Set goals that are measurable, specific, reasonable and have personal value.
Stay On Schedule. Minimize last minute cramming or deadline mix-ups by creating a detailed school schedule.
• Include all classes, assignments and key dates, such as project deadlines and test dates. Fill in new dates as they arise.
• Schedule specific times for studying, projects and extracurricular activities. The more thorough the schedule, the more helpful it will be to you.
Know The School. If you ever feel swamped with back to school madness, ask for help. Schools assist students with transitioning from one grade to another. Meet with your guidance counselor and/or teachers. If you are still nervous, ask your mom or dad to drop you off at school on the first day of class.
Be Adventurous. Step out of your comfort zone this school year by trying new things academically and in terms of extracurricular activities.
• Try every type of class and/or activity. You never know what your strengths are until you experience as much as you can.
• Challenge yourself. If you have the opportunity, take the hardest classes - not the easiest subjects.
• Ask questions. There is nothing wrong with not always knowing the answer. Asking questions is the best way to learn!
Think Positive. Yes, going back to school means homework and early mornings. It also means reconnecting with old friends, meeting new people, resuming fun extracurricular activities, learning more about your favorite subjects and improving on your last year’s performance.
While the idea of waking up at the crack of dawn to prepare lunches, fighting over appropriate school attire and regulating the amount of television watched might have you frazzled, take solace in the fact that you can play a big part in getting your children motivated and excited to tackle a new school year.
Depending on your child’s age, your role in the above-mentioned tips will vary. The following are helpful ideas to ease kids of all ages back into learning mode:
Help Your Child Discover His/Her Learning Style. Because each child is special, with different learning styles and academic needs, it is important to personalize the learning process. People learn in at least eight different ways, according to the Multiple Intelligences Theory: visually, verbally, physically, mathematically, musically, naturalistically, through group activity or through quiet thinking time. Talk to your child’s teachers about your child’s learning strengths and how best to support them.
Get Back In The Routine. Ease the transition from lazy summer days to the structure of the school year by re-establishing bedtime, mealtime, reading and homework routines. Talk with your child about the importance of structure and how routines help ensure that he is not overtired or overly anxious about schoolwork.
Develop A Family Event Calendar. One of the most helpful tools for getting organized is a family event calendar. To ease the chaos, track school programs, volunteer work and after-school activities. Family time management is essential if you are going to avoid the tumultuous frenzy of disorganization.
• Depending on your children’s ages, this calendar can be on construction paper with large squares to write in all necessary information, or it can be produced on a white board so that it is easy to revise.
• If it is color-coded by family member, you can clearly see who has an activity scheduled and when the event occurs.
• Place the calendar near the telephone, so when a friend’s mother calls to invite your child to a birthday party, you will know instantly whether it fits within your family plans.
Purchase School Supplies In Advance. Avoid the last-minute rush by purchasing supplies at least one week in advance. Take your child. She can feel excited and in control by choosing her favorite colors and designs.
Be a Cheerleader. Encourage your child to share any concerns he has about returning to school. Reinforce positive feelings by talking with your child about learning and achievement. Support his academic interests and encourage him to get involved in extracurricular activities at school.
To help parents and children get ready for the new school year, Sylvan Learning located in (Insert city), offers several tips to ease the transition from the beach to the classroom and jumpstart sluggish summer brains.
For many students, the first day of school doesn’t only bring new teachers and new friends - it can also be a source of anxiety with homework assignments and tests just around the corner. Starting the school year off on the right foot can help minimize students’ stress levels throughout the year.
Get Cleaning. A dirty, cluttered room is not conducive to studying. Get organized before homework starts piling up.
• Remove seldom-worn clothing.
• Pack away belongings not used on a regular basis.
• For smaller children, label areas so they can easily see where belongings should go.
Carve Out A Homework Spot. Whether it is in your bedroom, the basement, or a family office, find an area where you can work distraction-free and claim it as your official workspace.
• Pick a place that is always available and where you feel comfortable doing schoolwork.
• Stock the area with all of the supplies and tools that are needed to complete homework.
Get Organized. Organization is key to ensure you stay on top of the requirements for each subject.
• Use separate, labeled notebooks for each class.
• Create files for each subject. The folders can hold assignments, essays, handouts and notes taken during classes.
• Purchase a planner or calendar to keep track of important dates and deadlines.
Set Educational Goals. Whether it is striving for an A in a certain subject, handing in all homework on time or preparing for tests well in advance, setting goals can help establish a routine for the new year.
• Set goals that are measurable, specific, reasonable and have personal value.
Stay On Schedule. Minimize last minute cramming or deadline mix-ups by creating a detailed school schedule.
• Include all classes, assignments and key dates, such as project deadlines and test dates. Fill in new dates as they arise.
• Schedule specific times for studying, projects and extracurricular activities. The more thorough the schedule, the more helpful it will be to you.
Know The School. If you ever feel swamped with back to school madness, ask for help. Schools assist students with transitioning from one grade to another. Meet with your guidance counselor and/or teachers. If you are still nervous, ask your mom or dad to drop you off at school on the first day of class.
Be Adventurous. Step out of your comfort zone this school year by trying new things academically and in terms of extracurricular activities.
• Try every type of class and/or activity. You never know what your strengths are until you experience as much as you can.
• Challenge yourself. If you have the opportunity, take the hardest classes - not the easiest subjects.
• Ask questions. There is nothing wrong with not always knowing the answer. Asking questions is the best way to learn!
Think Positive. Yes, going back to school means homework and early mornings. It also means reconnecting with old friends, meeting new people, resuming fun extracurricular activities, learning more about your favorite subjects and improving on your last year’s performance.
While the idea of waking up at the crack of dawn to prepare lunches, fighting over appropriate school attire and regulating the amount of television watched might have you frazzled, take solace in the fact that you can play a big part in getting your children motivated and excited to tackle a new school year.
Depending on your child’s age, your role in the above-mentioned tips will vary. The following are helpful ideas to ease kids of all ages back into learning mode:
Help Your Child Discover His/Her Learning Style. Because each child is special, with different learning styles and academic needs, it is important to personalize the learning process. People learn in at least eight different ways, according to the Multiple Intelligences Theory: visually, verbally, physically, mathematically, musically, naturalistically, through group activity or through quiet thinking time. Talk to your child’s teachers about your child’s learning strengths and how best to support them.
Get Back In The Routine. Ease the transition from lazy summer days to the structure of the school year by re-establishing bedtime, mealtime, reading and homework routines. Talk with your child about the importance of structure and how routines help ensure that he is not overtired or overly anxious about schoolwork.
Develop A Family Event Calendar. One of the most helpful tools for getting organized is a family event calendar. To ease the chaos, track school programs, volunteer work and after-school activities. Family time management is essential if you are going to avoid the tumultuous frenzy of disorganization.
• Depending on your children’s ages, this calendar can be on construction paper with large squares to write in all necessary information, or it can be produced on a white board so that it is easy to revise.
• If it is color-coded by family member, you can clearly see who has an activity scheduled and when the event occurs.
• Place the calendar near the telephone, so when a friend’s mother calls to invite your child to a birthday party, you will know instantly whether it fits within your family plans.
Purchase School Supplies In Advance. Avoid the last-minute rush by purchasing supplies at least one week in advance. Take your child. She can feel excited and in control by choosing her favorite colors and designs.
Be a Cheerleader. Encourage your child to share any concerns he has about returning to school. Reinforce positive feelings by talking with your child about learning and achievement. Support his academic interests and encourage him to get involved in extracurricular activities at school.
Monday, August 1, 2011
How To Make The Transition To A New School
habits and attitudes, selecting courses, discovering talents and interests, choosing mentors, learning new skills and knowledge, and building confidence.
Every student and family is unique, but here are simple tips that can help students make the process easier.
Get to know the school. Attend as many of the end-of-summer activities your school offers. There’s probably an open house – go to it with your child, and invite one or two of her friends to go with you. Explore the school’s website ahead of time. Go to the school and explore the campus. Have his new schedule with you.
Be encouraging. Being upbeat and positive is incredibly important. Encourage your child to join clubs, teams, and activities that he’d be interested in. This is the best way to make friends, discover new interests and talents, put down roots, build confidence, and create a feeling of belonging.
Make friends. Talk about friendships, how to make friends, how to be a friend, how friendships change and evolve over time. Share stories about your school friendships, especially the rare and satisfying ones that have stood the test of time.
Know the teachers. Make every effort to meet and keep in periodic touch with teachers. Know what their expectations are, when report cards are coming out, the due dates of major assignments, the testing schedule. Help your student keep on track by doing your essential parental job of friendly, persistent nagging when necessary.
Know the rules. Read the Student Handbook with your child before school starts. Talk about responsibility.
Set goals and routines. Help your child stay ahead by setting goals with him, planning for important dates and events, establishing routines for his homework and studying, and letting him know you’re aware of his responsibilities.
Keep that confidence up. Talk with your child daily about school to let him know you’re interested in his day and that education is important to you. Show him how to recognize his successes, learn from his mistakes, and look forward to meeting new challenges.
Every student and family is unique, but here are simple tips that can help students make the process easier.
Get to know the school. Attend as many of the end-of-summer activities your school offers. There’s probably an open house – go to it with your child, and invite one or two of her friends to go with you. Explore the school’s website ahead of time. Go to the school and explore the campus. Have his new schedule with you.
Be encouraging. Being upbeat and positive is incredibly important. Encourage your child to join clubs, teams, and activities that he’d be interested in. This is the best way to make friends, discover new interests and talents, put down roots, build confidence, and create a feeling of belonging.
Make friends. Talk about friendships, how to make friends, how to be a friend, how friendships change and evolve over time. Share stories about your school friendships, especially the rare and satisfying ones that have stood the test of time.
Know the teachers. Make every effort to meet and keep in periodic touch with teachers. Know what their expectations are, when report cards are coming out, the due dates of major assignments, the testing schedule. Help your student keep on track by doing your essential parental job of friendly, persistent nagging when necessary.
Know the rules. Read the Student Handbook with your child before school starts. Talk about responsibility.
Set goals and routines. Help your child stay ahead by setting goals with him, planning for important dates and events, establishing routines for his homework and studying, and letting him know you’re aware of his responsibilities.
Keep that confidence up. Talk with your child daily about school to let him know you’re interested in his day and that education is important to you. Show him how to recognize his successes, learn from his mistakes, and look forward to meeting new challenges.
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