Monday, July 25, 2011

Preparing for the New School Year – Resources that Work

As local students enjoy the summer months, most parents are already looking for resources to prepare their kids for the upcoming school year. To succeed in school and life, Hunterdon and Mercer area students need ongoing opportunities to learn and practice essential skills. For many children, the first day of school doesn't just mean new teachers and new friends – it can also be a source of anxiety with homework assignments and tests just around the corner. Fortunately, starting the year off on the right foot can help minimize children's stress levels throughout the year.

Getting ready for a new school year isn't just a job for kids - it also requires parents to be prepared. To help local parents and students kick start the new school year successfully, Sylvan Learning, the leading provider of tutoring to students of all ages, grades and skill levels, is offering a variety of tools to improve core skills like math, reading and writing.

Master Your Math:
"Forgotten Math for Parents" and "Algebra Spoken Here" Seminars
Parents wishing to restore their math skills in order to help their children learn can participate in "Forgotten Math for Parents" and "Algebra Spoken Here" seminars offered free-of-charge at your local Sylvan Learning throughout the year. "Forgotten Math for Parents" is an interactive, 90-minute seminar designed to help parents and family members gain confidence in assisting their children with their homework by reviewing many of the key math concepts that are introduced in 6th, 7th and 8th grade.

Do you ever use the phrase, "I'm not a math person"? The "Algebra Spoken Here" parent workshop will provide fun ways to overcome your math "phobia." Hear the latest trends and news about math - and why it's more important than ever! and is offered by your local Sylvan Learning as a free math resource for local teachers and students in grades 7-12 to use during school hours - for remediation, enrichment and test preparation, and is available for on-the-spot math guidance during homework time at home. The educator-created sites deliver more than 2,000 instructor-led videos, covering 750 lessons in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry and specific lessons designed to address the math concepts assessed on the SAT/ACT. Each lesson includes sample problems demonstrating the work and answers, summary notes, a quiz, a worksheet, and a deep thought question. The resources also feature a powerful search function - by concept or keyword or textbook (for a majority of U.S. middle and high school textbooks).

Educators interested in securing the free math resource from our neighborhood Sylvan Learning center are encouraged to visit To obtain extra help with math homework – when and where you want it, visit for a free trial.

Prepare For College:
"Test Stress: A Parent's Real Guide to College Test Prep" Parent Seminar
College admissions today are becoming very competitive. New tools, such as the common application, encourage students to apply to more schools - which increase the competition, making it more difficult for students to gain acceptance into the colleges and universities that were once seen as safe bets. A well-rounded application, including strong SAT and ACT scores, is critical. Getting a college education requires a lot of time, effort and careful planning by students and parents working together. To help navigate the college prep process, your local Sylvan Learning is offering free workshops for parents and college-bound students, "Test Stress: A Parent’s Real Guide to College Test Prep," dedicated to helping families navigate through the SAT/ACT and the complex college admissions process.

The fun, interactive seminar will feature advice from Sylvan educators and leading college admission experts, college coaches and guidance counselors to help parents understand how to create a successful plan for the test-taking season. Families can then use their free, customized College Planner, Parent Resource Guide and High School Tracking Program to ensure their children are college admission ready.

Read for Fun: Book Adventure
Reading enrichment can be yet another vital activity to prepare to re-enter the classroom. Educational experts agree that the more children read, the more they'll enjoy reading, and the better readers they're likely to become. Sylvan Learning has created a free, interactive reading motivation program called Book Adventure where parents and teachers can help children choose books from more than 7,500 titles, take short comprehension quizzes and redeem accumulated points for small prizes. Book Adventure also offers teacher and parent resources and tips to help children develop a lifelong love of reading. For more information, visit

Family Resources: is a one stop resource for parents and educators that provides tips and tools for families of students in grades pre-K to high school. "Dr. Rick," Richard E. Bavaria, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Education Outreach for Sylvan Learning, has more than forty years of education experience in both the private and public sectors. Dr. Rick's blog features weekly topics concerning the latest trends in education, advice and creative ideas. In addition, invites visitors to post feedback and comments with their own views, helping to further the connection among educators and education-focused families throughout North America. It also incorporates an inspirational and informative, but fun and interactive tone, providing a supportive destination for parents and educators to visit year-round. For more information, visit

Newsletters, Tip Sheets and More
Sylvan's monthly newsletters feature the latest trends in education and other issues important to educators, parents and students in grades pre-K through 12. Additionally, Sylvan offers tip sheets on topics ranging from holding successful parent/teacher conferences, stress-free test taking, helping with homework and more.

Visit the "Parent Resources" area of for additional, free tools.

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