Monday, November 8, 2010

How Parents Can Help Build Their Child’s Self-Esteem

Approximately 20 to 45 percent of school-aged children do not reach their full potential because they suffer from low self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to how you feel about yourself. It includes self-confidence, self-respect, pride in oneself, independence and self-reliance. Success builds self-esteem. Because underachieving students do not experience as much success in the classroom, low self-esteem is often the result. Many parents assume that their underachiever may have a lower IQ. In fact, most underachievers have high or average IQs, but their low self-esteem prevents them from succeeding in the classroom.

A school-aged child’s self-esteem is cultivated primarily at home. It is important that parents have a complete understanding of what self-esteem is and how to help build positive self-confidence in their child. It is the way a child feels about himself/herself regardless of how others view him/her. A secure home environment that establishes confidence, respect and an open exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings is crucial to building self-esteem. The more positive a child’s self-esteem, the more successful he or she will be at dealing with life. Confident children will try harder, be happier and have greater self-respect. At Sylvan, students work with one teacher and no more than two other students and are able to build their confidence.

For the first 5-6 years, parents are the most important influences in a child’s life. When children begin school, teachers and friends begin to play a role. When a child reaches adolescence, peer groups begin playing a more significant role in guiding a child’s self-esteem. The more positive a child’s self-esteem is before adolescence, the easier it will be for him or her to resist negative peer group pressures. Children who constantly put themselves down have low self-esteem. Children who face new experiences with confidence and positive expectations, and shrug off disappointments with an “it will be better next time” attitude, have high self-esteem.

Sylvan Learning, the leading provider of tutoring to students of all ages, grades and skill levels, offers the following communication tips to help build or restore your children’s self-esteem:

• Have easy-going conversations on topics that are of interest to your children.
• Ask questions that require in-depth responses.
• Be optimistic.
• Encourage children to express their true feelings.
• Listen to how your children fees without making judgments about those feelings.
• Be patient.

Positive self-esteem not only helps students in the classroom, but also contributes to success later in life. Self-esteem must be established at an early age and strengthened throughout every child’s life.

To build positive self-esteem, parents must strive to:

• Help their children to set goals.
• Assist their children in identifying obstacles to success and developing ways to overcome them.
• Remind their children to think positive thoughts.
• Praise their children everyday.
• Everyday, say “I love you” and mean it.
• Allow their children to be free to succeed and to make mistakes.
• Compliment their children and don’t compare them to other siblings.
• Make time to talk to their children every day.

In today’s society, there is a definite demand on students to succeed, and positive self-esteem is crucial. It may be beneficial to send your child to a supplemental education provider that reinforces positive self-esteem. Sylvan Learning has helped more than two million students develop the skills, habits and attitudes needed for lifelong success. Sylvan also helps bolster self-esteem by focusing on strategies for success and providing consistent positive reinforcement to demonstrate that learning is its own reward.


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