by Guest Blogger, Dr. Rick of Dr. Rick's Blog
Research has shown that when students take their studying seriously enough to quiz themselves on their progress, they up the ante for success. This is, after all, why teachers give no-risk pre-quizzes a few days before a major spelling, algebra, or social studies test. Students get an idea of what they’ve mastered and where they need to spend additional time and effort. Here are some suggestions for no-risk, no-stress, pre-test quizzing that can be fun as well as helpful. Watch those grades and confidence rise.
Give quizzes yourself.
When your child has a test coming up, encourage her to begin studying several days ahead of time. Each night during homework and study time, spend some time with her asking questions from her notes, textbook, online reading, or teacher materials.
Make flash cards together.
Flash cards are particularly helpful for material that needs to be learned with “automaticity,” or with such mastery that you don’t even think about it. Quizzing with flash cards can be fun, especially for younger kids, who feel a real sense of accomplishment for correct answers.
Encourage study buddies.
When kids quiz each other, they’re particularly serious about doing well. They want to succeed in front of each other, and they enjoy thinking up questions that are even tougher than anything the teacher will throw at them.
Use a stopwatch.
Timed quizzes add another dimension to studying. Set a simple
stopwatch for a minute or two, or use an egg timer, and ask a series of questions to see how many your studier can get. This can be particularly helpful for material he’ll need to know off the top of his head.
Keep a chart of progress.
Kids like to see their progress in tangible form. Together, create a simple chart of correct answers, new concepts mastered, improved times, or thoughtful interpretations. Let her see how her studying improves her learning and grades.
Talk about the results.
Talk about improvements and the valuable impact of studying. Remember, you’re laying the groundwork for future achievement and good study habits.
Talk about test-takingstrategies.
Remind him of good practices for the important test day. Relax. Read directions carefully. Answer first the questions he’s surest about, then go back and deal with the others. Keep an eye on the time. Encourage him to remind himself of the work he’s done to prepare.